In a factory, we know that 20% of produced goods will be replaced. How many products will have to be produced to the warehouse, so that 10 000 orders and the replacements can be sent be with probability of 0.9 ? The answer is 12 051, but I dont know how to calculate it, or even understand the question properly
$$\small{\text{binomcdf$\ (10000,0.2,\textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{2051}) \\\\
= \sum \limits_{i=0}^{\textcolor[rgb]{1,0,0}{2051}} \binom{10000}{ i}*0.2^i*0.8^{(10000-i)} =0.9008 \\
You can calculate it with and input "sum ( binom(10000,i)*0.2^i*0.8^(10000-i) ) from i=0 to 2051"
10000 + 2051 = 12051 12051 products will have to be produced to the warehouse.