Nochmal ein Zahlenrätsel.
Schriftliches multiplizieren.
\(\underline{FUSS \times\ WEG}\)
\(N\ S\ W\ F\)
\(N\ U\ E\ S\)
\(M\ L\ W\ E\)
\(M\ L\ W\ E\)
\(\overline{M\ A\ N\ U\ A\ L\ E}\)
Für welche Ziffern stehen die Buchstaben?
Gleiche Buchstaben bedeuten gleiche Ziffern.
Benützen eine Tabelle wie diese, zu helfen.
Hast du das durch (gezieltes) ausprobieren gelöst oder mit einem Gleichungssystem-Ansatz?
Es gibt ja 10! Möglichkeiten, die Variablen zu belegen - da wäre einfaches Ausprobieren schon viel Aufwand.
Just to make sure google translate doesn't screw up:
Did you solve this by trial and error or did you try putting all the infos in a system of equations and got to the end by solving that system of equations?
Since there are 10! ways to distribute the numbers on the variables it seems to be too much work to just try them all out ;)
Hi Probolobo,
I worked it out but not with simultaneous equations.
I do not think I used any simultaneous equations, not that I remember.
It was more a matter of working out which numbers a letter could NOT be.
Most were worked out by elimination.
There were about 5 possible sets of 10 at the end. I eliminated the wrong sets via substitution.
But then this is not much different from how I did the rest. It was almost all done by logical elimination.