
How long will it take to download a 30 GB file if I download 50 kb per second? I used this tool to download Rechner but I think it is incorrect.


How long will it take to download a 30 GB file if I download 50 kb per second? I used this tool to download Rechner but I think it is incorrect.

Wie lange dauert das Herunterladen einer 30-GB-Datei, wenn ich 50 kb pro Sekunde herunterlade?


Hallo Gast!


Es gilt: 50 kb/sec sind 50 kbit/sec.


\(W=N\cdot t\\ \color{blue}t=\frac{W}{N}\)


W = 30 GB

N = 50 kbit/sek

1 kbit = 125 Byte

1GB = 10^9 Byte


\(t=\frac{W}{N}=\frac{30\ GB\cdot sec}{50\ kbit}\cdot\frac{10^9Byte}{GB}\cdot \frac{kbit}{125Byte}\cdot \frac{h}{3600sec}\)

\(t=1333h\ 20min\)

laugh  !


Wenn gilt: 50 kb/sec sind 50 KB/sec dann:


W = 30 GB

N = 50 KB/sek

1 GB = 10^6 KB


\({\color{blue}t=\frac{W}{N}}=\frac{30GB\cdot sec}{50KB}\cdot \frac{10^6KB}{GB}\cdot \frac{h}{3600cec}\)


\(t=166h\ 40 min\)

laugh  !


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