I don't think people should be posting and askng test questions for this website because that could be cheating but I agree that people could give hints for homework
we do 5*4=20 becuase the vice-president cannot be the president and the group has 5 people in all and 5-1=4 people left for choosing the vice-president
we just used expanded form
since the a is a negative we do the opposite
Yeah that was what I said below was I correct?
Yeah I knew logs aleady thanks though log2(2048)=11
And in chromebooks you can't upload also on MacBook air you can't
We know that 6^2*6^2=6^4 and 6^2+6^2=2*6^2 it is the difference between 2*6=12 and 6^3=216
Well 62+626=12 and 62×626=216 so the difference is 12-216=-204
could see the answer here when you hold the text
7 since you draw a a line to seperate the trapazoid into 2 right triangles
Anyways I have a brainly account just ask me there I'll tell you it and I'll answer your questions on brainly jst tell me your username