
Ok. I'm going to be honest here.


Back when I joined 1.5 years ago I really enjoyed the site. People were eager to learn and ask questions. The forums were much more active with curious learners and answerers. But now, I feel like this website has turned into more of a dump where kids just ask homework problems without providing anything about what they tried or how to help them. They almost never even ask followup questions.


Let me know what you think of the site too in the comments!

 Jun 17, 2020

Hi!  I am new to this site and do not know much about the "normal" posts on here, but the only post I have posted is a homework question.  I was not asking for answers nor was I intending to cheat like people have said.  I am just trying to get some hints or nudges in the right direction.

 Jun 17, 2020

Good! We need more people like you :)

CoolStuffYT  Jun 18, 2020

I don't think people should be posting and askng test questions for this website because that could be cheating but I agree that people could give hints for homework 

jimkey17  Jun 18, 2020
edited by jimkey17  Jun 18, 2020

Hi! I agree with you about that people dump homework questions here... I ask homework questions sometimes my self because I do want to learn because I have to take an advance corse that I dont always understand. I do want to learn but I also hate seeing when I get questions wrong(who likes getting questions wrong anyways!). I post here so I can get an answer AND explnation!

I dont like that people dump questions 5+ at a time sometimes... 

~ Wolf

 Jun 17, 2020

hi, I've seen you on the site alot, make an account!


That way you can gain points, and not have the Guest limit!


It's free!

hugomimihu  Jun 17, 2020

hey hey don't copy my question!


That's 70% the same as mine!

*grumpy face*


Not actually.


I joined february so...


It makes me happy if the asker asks with a follow up to clarify, or give me a thank you.


To  be fair the site has always been 99.5% homework, 0.5% other/

 Jun 17, 2020

ohhhhh... Lol sorry I didn't see your question until now :P



But we share many of the same thoughts :)

CoolStuffYT  Jun 18, 2020

intellectual property not violated :)

hugomimihu  Jun 19, 2020

I understand...I only recently created an account but I've been using this site for months. A lot of people simply dump homework questions here without explaining.


Now to be honest, I do ask homework questions here but I always give my thought process when I can. I do want to learn how to actually solve the problem if I don't know it, not just the answer.

 Jun 18, 2020

Agreed....   not really much fun any longer.....just repetitive homework Q's looking only for 'answers'.   Rarely does anyone f/u with a 'thanx'  or wanting more info.....     too bad..

      ..    I am almost gone as are others....     cheeky

 Jun 18, 2020

Whoa whoa whoa hold up!


Please don't leave!


You contribute to almost 4% of this forum's answers!


We'd be missing out on your wisdom if you leave, the quality of answers will drop, and not to say we'd all need to pitch in to work more overtime, now CPhill isn't that active!!!





But I do admit my interest for the site is dropping...


You feel happy getting a "thanks!", "got it", "I solved it, is it abc?", or "could you clarify on xyz?"


THat's for like 2 % of answers...

hugomimihu  Jun 18, 2020
edited by hugomimihu  Jun 18, 2020

Just an acknowledgement that the poster of the Q actually looked at the response would be good.....even a software solution to show the poster perused the answer after it was posted would be good....most of the time it is like a black hole out there.... I believe that is why Ron left the forum a while back....he felt he was just wasting time.

Guest Jun 18, 2020

People start asking test questions when people answer their homework questions so instead of giving a hint people sometimes just put in the wrong answer with no explanation just to get points

jimkey17  Jun 18, 2020

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