
Fragen 0
Antworten 576



One ordered pair (a,b) satisfies the two equations ab^4 = 48 and ab = 72. What is the value of b in this ordered pair?   



To find b, consider                                                  ab4  =  48  


We will divide both sides by ab.  


Since ab=72, we will divide the left side  

by "ab" and the right side by its equal 72.  

                                                                              ab4         48  

                                                                             ——   =   ——  

                                                                              ab           72  

Note that ab4 = (ab) * (b3)  


Cancel ab out of the left side.  

Reduce 48/72 on the right side.  

                                                                               b3           2  

                                                                             ——   =   ——  

                                                                                1            3  



                                                                                  b   =   cube root of (2 / 3)  




In triangle PQR, M is the midpoint of PQ. Let X be the point on QR such that PX bisects angle QPR, and let the perpendicular bisector of PQ intersect AX at Y. If PQ = 36, PR = 22, QR = 26, and MY = 8, then find the area of triangle PQR    


I was trying to draw the figure, and then       

you threw me a curve when you said AX. 

Where did that come from?   


Then I saw that you have the values of all   

three sides.  You don't need anything else. 


Add all three sides, then take half of it.    

Call this "s".       

                                                                               36 + 22 + 26   

                                                                       s  =  ——————  =  42     



Then use the following to get the area.         A  =  sqrt[(s)(s – a)(s – b)(s – c)]   

This is called Heron's Formula.  

                                                                      A  =  sqrt[(42)(42 – 36)(42 – 22)(42 – 26)]   


                                                                      A  =  sqrt(42 • 6 • 20 • 16)    


                                                                      A  =  sqrt(80,640)    


                                                                      A  =  283.97 square units    


That answer looks weird,but it has     

to be right ... it's Heron's Formula. 




Will and Grace are canoeing on a lake.  Will rows at 50 meters per minute and Grace rows at 20 meters per minute. Will starts rowing at 2 p.m. from the west end of the lake, and Grace starts rowing from the east end of the lake at 2 p.m. If they always row directly towards each other, and the lake is 3800 meters across from the west side of the lake to the east side, at what time will the two meet?  


Will's rate is 50 m/min.  

Grace's rate is 20 m/min.  


They're rowing toward each other,  

so their rate of closure is 70 m/min.  


The lake is 3800 meters across.  


The time it will take them to meet is given by  


                                                                            T  =  –––––––  



                                                                                    3800 m  

                                                                            T  =  –––––––  

                                                                                    70 m/min  


The time it takes them to meet                             T  =  54.29 min  


Note that (0.29 min • 60 sec/min)  =  17 seconds


The time on the clock is                                             2:54:17 pm 

