
Fragen 4
Antworten 740


For the record: Post #5, signed by GA, is not by the real GA.


This is a return to your higher level prose. Much better than the atrocious slop you posted here.

I still wonder if you actually wrote it, or if it’s just Mr. BB’s attempt to troll using one of your personas.



--. .- 


For the record: Post #2, signed by GA, is not by the real GA.


This is a return to your higher level prose. Much better than the atrocious slop you posted here.

I still wonder if you actually wrote it, or if it’s just Mr. BB’s attempt to troll using one of your personas.



--. .- 


Plaintainmountain, this post, along with your other posts of BS and idiocy, demonstrates a serious inaccuracy in the general assessment that you are an Incompetent Moronic Fool. Your post demonstrates that you are much closer to the idiot side of the imbecile-idiot level, and you are quickly regressing to the complete idiot level.


You see AI when it’s not there. You lack experience and discernment in looking at solutions presented by someone who’s educated and practiced in mathematics, and also educated and practiced in communications and in teaching the subject.


The3Mathketeers presents competent formal instruction math solutions without sounding like a falsely erudite, pedantic teenager.    That doesn’t happen by accident. IO hope he stays around for awhile. This forum definitely needs an infusion of (non-artificial) intelligence.


There is/was a member of this forum who seemed to be from another world.  I’ve never read presentations like his on any other forum –including restricted access forums.  He is/was truly a wonder!


At present, there are no AIs that reproduce formal instruction at this level.  Though I suppose it’s only a matter of time before they can. There are a few restricted and paid-subscription AIs that come close, but the AI artifacts are still obvious to anyone familiar with high-level, formal teaching of mathematics and presentations of the solutions.


Most fools can tell the difference between Gold and Fool’s Gold –leastwise they can if they’ve seen enough real gold. But you cannot. You’ve not seen enough real gold, or you are just a fool’s fool.


...Someday, bananas may grow on Plaintainmountain. Bananas are brain food.  You should eat more of them....They’re Tasty



--. .- 


Interesting! You are Mr. BB –the Bullshit Bug (a mutant Dung Beetle). You were featured in my first Troll Post. It’s still quite funny. You are also featured in this Troll Post, where, along with your rude dumbness, you demonstrate that you can’t tell the difference between a boy and girl.  It seems you still can’t tell the difference, because you refer to me using masculine pronouns. 


Here’s a more recent Troll Post, where I offer to nominate you for a Fields Medal. That’s also quite funny. You didn’t comment on it. [I used to have a plus one (1) on that post. I don’t know who gave me the point, but I have a good idea who is chiseling them off.]


That you would make the above post is not a surprise, but that you successfully avoided the hooks of the auto-moderator, and published a social post, does surprise me. WAT obviously knows how; he has no problem posting his BS on here. 


Because you’ve gone to so much trouble, I’ll critique your post. 


Guys don't worry about this chimp.

Why would anyone worry about the Chimp? That is, anyone other than WAT (Wrong Answer Troll), QST (Question Spammer Troll), the BB’s (Blarney Banker, Blarney Bag, Bubble Brain, & Bullshit Bug), the Blarney Master (BM) –aka Bullshit Master, and a few other assorted idiots and morons.


Since we are on a forum, he can't break loose and strangle you or whatever.

Yes. Well, you state the obvious. You left out Occam’s Razor. Remember this Post


Its his way of pretending that someone is obsessing over him and that he is the center of attention.

Well, Mr. BB, I’m often the center of attention on this forum, and when I’m not the very center, I’m near the center of attention, and have been for years. Why shouldn’t I be? My posts speak for themselves. Whether math presentations, social posts, or a hybrid of the two, members and guests read them –and occasionally give me a point too. I have several composited View-Count Statistics, both absolute and relative, to support my statement.


I’ll just present an outline of one (1) of the stats: For Profile GingerAle, the views per post rate is more than seven (7) times the average rate of the top eleven users. This rate changes as my latest post ages. Considering that most of my posts are made as a Guest, this makes the stat even more impressive. Posting as a guest still bumps up the view rate. Viewers see “GA” on a post and they peruse my profile. I don’t know if the fake GA posts affect the views or not (they probably do). The view counter stopped working months ago, so no more stats.


[The highest view rate per post (ever) was for Heureka’s profile. Next is for Alan’s profile. Alan’s rate would likely be higher, if his posts were not lost when TinyPic shut down. If I’d had a clue the Administrator wasn’t going to preserve these images, I would have saved every one of Alan’s posts. This was like having a major fire in the mathematics section of a unique library.


So yes, Mr. BB, I’m the center of attention; just not all the time. No pretending here; just a fact.  WAT knows this. That’s why he posts using my initials. It brings him more attention. ...and as an added bonus, it annoys me.


BTW, when I am the center of attention, I don’t mind sharing the stage:  The only time you’re on the stage is when I share it with you by commenting on one of your posts –or you comment on one of mine...



I’m sure this irritates you, but many like to read comments from a genetically enhanced chimp, and not very many care to read comments from a mutant dung beetle, commonly known as a bullshit bug.  Source emphasis added.


I’m lecturing Mr. BB(4) --the Bullshit Bug, a genetic variant of the dung beetle that, instead of rolling dung into a ball, it spreads it allover the forum. This is an accurate description of what you usually do. ibid


You are part of the Dark and Stormy Eternity, Mr. BB.



The #2 post, ostensibly by WAT, is so bad I doubted WAT wrote it. Most of his posts criticize and rail on the target using bombastic prose with thinly veiled themes based on Dr. Watson’s epilog of my fictional narrative summary of Gingerlock Holmes vs WAT Moriarty.


Gingerlock Holmes vs WAT Moriarty:

A genetically enhanced chimp matches wits with the multiple personalities of a highly intelligent narcissistic sociopath.   The troll escaped from an asylum and the chimp is out of her tree. 


I think the title and summary are quite funny. What do you think, WAT? Do any of your personalities have a sense of humor?


Here’s Dr. Watson’s epilog:


WAT’s absurd self-contradictions and redundancies made his life a living hell. WAT preferred to rule in his living hell rather than serve on Earth.  Thought he seemed to adapt to internal conflicts through self-therapeutic venting, it was not enough. He slowly descend into a maelstrom of madness, as his contradictions closed in on him, crushing him into a mental singularity –a black hole of madness, with analogous Hawking radiation as his only means of venting. This continued until his brain shut down, ending its chemistry and related quantum processes.

...A true hell on Earth until the END.



In other posts, WAT uses different personas and personalities. Each personality has its own vocabulary and syntax –ranging from highly intelligent to low-level moronic.  At the lower level ranges, he would naturally appear to be imitating you, Mr. BB.


So, WAT did write this rubbish, and sign my initials to it.    


Because WAT Moriarty’s current post uses atrociously written poetry to deviate from this theme, I’m moving the main (PGP) post and some secondary posts of that thread from GingerAle to GingerlockHolmes.



So, what do you think, Mr. BB, will that make me the center of attention for awhile?

I’m sure it will –at least in my own mind....



GA –aka Gingerlock Holmes

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