
Fragen 4
Antworten 740


BuilderBoi, if you just used a kitchen scale, it would have resolved the ambiguity by  indicating that N($3,456, $478) is in the form of \(\mathbb{N}(\mu, \sigma)\) in this case there is no need for pot-laced candy or mushroom tea (though it might help Probably not).


Recently, I saw a demonstration of very sophisticated kitchen scale at university. This scale connects to an AI-nerualnetwork. The scale’s sensors along with the AI identify the foods, caloric values, glycemic index, and other parameters. The AI also calculates the mean probable weight gain (with a standard deviation), based on the metabolic parameters of the consumer. It’s easy to program the parameters: the consumer need only to stand and then sit on the scale for 8 seconds, and then spit on a sensor. The demonstrated scale had a mass/weight limit of 450Kg –well above the weight of the largest tub-of-lard in attendance.      


During the demonstration, one of the spectators plopped a bag of pot-laced candy on the scale. The AI correctly identified the contents and caloric value, but indicated an 85% probability of weight gain at a mean of (28.7) times the maximum value for the calorie count.


The engineer-tech, who was demonstrating the scale, queried the AI for an explanation. The AI extrapolated the stats for \(\Delta9THC \) causing the munchies in a standard population; from this, a probability of weight gain is calculated beyond the caloric value of the weighed food.


It is amazing how innovative technology can create a kitchen scale that can construct and solve statistical problems.  You should get one as soon as they are on the market. LOL




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There is no casual solution to this problem; though the solution process is not ultra complex.

The use of the Inclusion-Exclusion principle will accelerate the process. Like usual, its application requires careful and (sometimes) laborious attention to avoid over-counting successes and failures.


The question resolves to a binary state of either an arrangement of eight (8) rooks occupying or attacking every square, or it does not. Analyzing the counts of unoccupied and un-attacked squares is not requires for this question.


(Permutations of the rooks among themselves are not necessary, as this will be done for both success and failure counts and will factor out.) 



Vertical format.

 Starting with an 8 X 8 chessboard place eight rooks on the top row (row 1) and observe that every square is either occupied or attacked by a rook. Moving the rooks vertically (row-wise) still allows for every square to be either occupied or attacked by a rook. There are (8^8) unique positions when moving the rooks vertically.


This same sequence is repeatable in a horizontal format.


Place the eight rooks in the left column (Column 1) observe that every square is either occupied or attacked by a rook. Moving the rooks horizontally (column-wise) still allows for every square to be either occupied or attacked by a rook. There are (8^8) unique positions when moving the rooks vertically. HOWEVER, in this horizontal format, there are two (2) cases where the positions of the rooks identically match the positions in the vertical format. These two (2) cases occur when the rooks align diagonal positions across the board.  This occurs twice: from the top-left to the bottom-right, and from the bottom-left to the top-right.  These two (2) cases are exclusions and need to be subtracted from the total. So at this point, the subtotal for success counts are (8^8) + [(8^8) – (2)].


At this point it’s (apparently) discernable that for every square to be either occupied or attacked by a rook, every column or every row must have at least one rook. Removing all rooks from a column leaves some (not all) row squares on that column un-attacked.  Like-wise, removing all rooks from a row leaves some (not all) column squares on that row un-attacked.   


If the above is true, then these counts (8^8) + [(8^8) – (2)] are the only successes.


Probability of a random arrangement of eight (8) rooks to occupy or attack every square on a chessboard:


\(\rho_{(s)} = \dfrac {(2*8^8)-2} {\binom {64}{8}} \approx 0.75809\%\)



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I think you have to weigh the paper, although a kitchen scale wouldn't be so precise. ...


BuilderBoi, are you nibbling on pot-laced candy or sipping on mushroom tea? 

There’s nothing like a few psychotropic chemicals to help you in expanding your mind for thinking outside of the box. 


Maybe the teacher used a previous question as a template and inadvertently left the kitchen scale in the current assignment. Or the teacher intentionally listed the use of a kitchen scale to see which students are paying attention.


Or... the teacher may have been nibbling and sipping...


Even without the kitchen scale blunder, this assignment is very poorly thought-out and poorly written with missing commas and superfluous commas, along with disjointed instructions connected with repetition; and meandering comments on measurement errors, which are not defined, even as a reference to a class lecture. 


The teacher rambles on about Plainameters, referring to them as tools used prior to the digital era when, in fact, both mechanical and digital versions are still used. (Cabinet and furniture makers use them all the time.)


The students are welcome to search for and learn how this tool worked, but you don't need to include it in your write up. Why include what you don’t need to do in the main assignment? A better option is to include it as a footnote for optional research with a reference to its 0.2% relative error in the main instruction.


This is a math-based writing assignment from a teacher who does not know how to write. 

I wonder if the teacher used the kitchen scale to distract the readers from the incompetent assignment presentation.The dumb teaching the dumber!   

Everyone notices the kitchen scale instead of the crappy presentation and atrocious writing. The teacher may have thought of this while nibbling on pot-laced candy and sipping on mushroom tea.  




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