
Fragen 318
Antworten 19


Let's analyze the given information and set up an equation to find the desired number of palindromes.


Three-digit palindrome: We can represent the number as abc=100a+10b+c, where a is the hundreds digit, b is the tens digit, and c is the units digit (since it's a palindrome, a=c ).


Sum of digits and product: The problem states that the sum of the hundreds digit, units digit, and the product of the units and tens digits is eight more than the tens digit. Translating this into math, we get: a+c+bc=b+8.


Solving the equation: Since a=c, we can substitute to get: $$ a + a + ab = b + 8.$$ Combining like terms: $$ 2a + ab = b + 8.$$ Factoring out b from the left side: b(a+1)=b+8.


Now we can analyze the solutions for b:


If b=0, then the equation is always true regardless of a. However, a three-digit palindrome cannot have a leading zero (hundreds digit cannot be zero). So, b=0.


If b=0, then we can divide both sides by b to get: a+1=1+b8​. Since a is a digit (0-9), the expression on the right side must be an integer. This is only possible when b is a divisor of 8.


Possible values for b are: b=1,2,4,8. Let's check each case to see if it leads to a valid three-digit palindrome:


b=1: In this case, a=0 (which we cannot have).


b=2: Here, a=3, resulting in the palindrome 323​.


b=4: We get a=1, which leads to the palindrome 141​.


b=8: This results in a=−1, which is not a valid digit.


Therefore, there are only two three-digit palindromes that satisfy the given property: 323 and 141.


Here's the solution for 1.


We can approach this problem by analyzing the given inequality and maximizing the expression for x^2 + 5x + 6 within the constraints.


Factoring the Inequality: The inequality x^2 + 7x + 12 <= 0 can be factored as (x + 3)(x + 4) <= 0. This means either both factors are less than or equal to zero, or one factor is positive and the other is negative (the product becomes zero).


Identifying the Range of x: From the factored inequality, we know:


x ≤ -3 (when x + 3 is less than or equal to zero)


x ≤ -4 (when x + 4 is less than or equal to zero)


However, the second condition (x ≤ -4) is redundant as -3 is already less than or equal to -4. Therefore, the valid range for x is x ≤ -3.


Maximizing x^2 + 5x + 6: We want to maximize the value of x^2 + 5x + 6 within the constraint x ≤ -3. We can rewrite the expression as a completed square:


x^2 + 5x + 6 = (x^2 + 5x + 25/4) + 11/4 = (x + 5/2)^2 + 11/4


Since the square of any real number (x + 5/2) is non-negative (including zero), adding a constant positive value (11/4) will always result in a positive or zero value.


Largest Possible Value: The largest possible value for x^2 + 5x + 6 occurs when (x + 5/2)^2 is zero. This happens when x = -5/2. However, this value of x (-5/2) violates the constraint x ≤ -3.


Therefore, the largest possible value for x^2 + 5x + 6 within the allowed range of x is achieved when x is as close to -3 as possible (without exceeding it). This occurs when x = -3.


Evaluating the Maximum Value: Substituting x = -3 in the expression:


x^2 + 5x + 6 = (-3)^2 + 5(-3) + 6 = 9 - 15 + 6 = 0


Answer: The largest possible value of x^2 + 5x + 6 is 0.


There are three cases to consider, since all three marbles can be red, all white, or all blue.


Case 1: All Red Marbles


Favorable cases: We need to choose 3 red marbles from 4 available. This can be done in ⁴C₃ ways (combinations, not permutations).


Total cases: We can choose any 3 marbles from a total of 4 red + 5 white + 6 blue = 15 marbles in ¹⁵C₃ ways.


Case 2: All White Marbles


Favorable cases: We need to choose 3 white marbles from 5 available. This can be done in ⁵C₃ ways.


Total cases: Same as Case 1 (¹⁵C₃).


Case 3: All Blue Marbles


Favorable cases: We need to choose 3 blue marbles from 6 available. This can be done in ⁶C₃ ways.


Total cases: Same as Case 1 (¹⁵C₃).


Total Probability


The probability that all three marbles are the same color (considering all three cases) is the sum of the probabilities of each case:


P(all same) = P(all red) + P(all white) + P(all blue)


Calculate Each Probability:


P(all red) = ⁴C₃ / ¹⁵C₃ P(all white) = ⁵C₃ / ¹⁵C₃ P(all blue) = ⁶C₃ / ¹⁵C₃


We can simplify each term using the fact that nCr = n! / (r! * (n-r)!):


P(all red) = (4!) / ((3!) * (1!)) / ((15!) / ((3!) * (12!))) P(all white) = (5!) / ((3!) * (2!)) / ((15!) / ((3!) * (12!))) P(all blue) = (6!) / ((3!) * (3!)) / ((15!) / ((3!) * (12!)))


Notice that (3!) and (12!) terms appear in all the denominators and numerators (except the first factorials in the numerators). These terms will cancel out, leaving:


P(all red) = 4 / (15 * 14 * 13) P(all white) = 10 / (15 * 14 * 13) P(all blue) = 20 / (15 * 14 * 13)


Final Probability:


Add the probabilities of each case:


P(all same) = 4/210 + 10/210 + 20/210 = 34/210


Simplify the fraction:


P(all same) = 17/105


Therefore, the probability that all three marbles drawn are the same color is 17/105.


To find the probability of winning a super prize in the SuperLottery, we need to consider two mutually exclusive events:


1. **Winning by matching at least two of the white balls.**

2. **Winning by matching the red SuperBall.**


We'll calculate the probabilities for each event and then add them together.


1. **Winning by matching at least two of the white balls:**


   To calculate this probability, we can find the probability of not matching any of the white balls and subtract it from 1.


   The probability of not matching any of the white balls on a single draw is:


   \[\frac{{9 \choose 3}}{{12 \choose 3}}\]


   So, the probability of matching at least two of the white balls is:


   \[1 - \frac{{9 \choose 3}}{{12 \choose 3}}\]


2. **Winning by matching the red SuperBall:**


   The probability of matching the red SuperBall is simply \( \frac{1}{8} \) since there's only one SuperBall drawn from 8 possibilities.


Now, let's calculate these probabilities:


1. Probability of winning by matching at least two of the white balls:

   \[1 - \frac{{9 \choose 3}}{{12 \choose 3}} = 1 - \frac{84}{220} = 1 - \frac{21}{55} = \frac{34}{55}\]


2. Probability of winning by matching the red SuperBall:

   \[P(\text{Red SuperBall}) = \frac{1}{8}\]


Finally, to find the total probability of winning a super prize, we add the probabilities of the two mutually exclusive events:


\[P(\text{Winning super prize}) = P(\text{White balls}) + P(\text{Red SuperBall}) = \frac{34}{55} + \frac{1}{8}\]


\[= \frac{272}{440} + \frac{55}{440}\]


\[= \frac{272 + 55}{440}\]


\[= \frac{327}{440}\]


So, the probability of winning a super prize in the SuperLottery is \( \frac{327}{440} \).


We can solve this problem by utilizing the properties of medians and similar triangles in a trapezoid.


Median Property: A median of a trapezoid divides the bases into segments with equal lengths. In this case, since MN is a median, we have:






Similar Triangles: Since MN is a median, it intersects diagonals PR and QS at their midpoints (X and Y respectively).


This creates two pairs of similar triangles:


Triangle MPX is similar to Triangle NQY (due to AA similarity - corresponding angles at P and Q are congruent since they are alternate interior angles of parallel lines PQ and RS, and shared angle at M/N)


Triangle MRX is similar to Triangle NSX (due to AA similarity - corresponding angles at R and S are congruent since they are alternate interior angles, and shared angle at X)


Leveraging Similarity: Since triangles MPX and NQY are similar, we have the following proportion:




Similarly, from triangles MRX and NSX:




Relating Segments: We are given that XY = 5, which translates to MX + NY = 5. Since X is the midpoint of PR, we know MX = XR and similarly, NY = YN. Substituting these into the first equation from step 3:




Similarly, since X is the midpoint of QS, we know MX = XS and similarly, NX = NY. Substituting these into the second equation from step 3:




Connecting to Bases: We know that RS = 28, which can be further divided using the median property:




Combining Information: We now have two equations relating the ratios of segments on the bases (MP/NQ and MR/NS) to the segments along the diagonals (XR/YN and XS/NY). We also have an expression for RS in terms of segments along the median (MR + NS).


Since we are looking for PQ, we can rewrite it using the median property:




Solving for PQ: To solve for PQ, we can try to eliminate terms involving segments along the diagonals (XR, YN, XS) from the equation for PQ.


One way to achieve this is to notice that the ratios XR/YN and XS/NY appear in both equations we derived in step 5. If we can express one ratio in terms of the other, we can eliminate it.


From the equation for RS:




Dividing both sides by NQ, we get:




Since PQ = NQ + MR, we can substitute:


PQ−MRRS​=1 (because MR/NQ and NS/NQ come from the ratios relating segments on the bases to those on the diagonals)

Substituting RS with its value (28) and rearranging the equation:


PQ = MR + PQ−MR28​


Simplifying and Solving: This equation might seem complex at first glance, but it can be simplified. We can multiply both sides by PQ - MR to get:


PQ^2 - MRP = 28


We can rewrite MRP as (PQ - RS) * RS using the expression for RS from step 6. This gives us:


PQ^2 - (PQ - 28) * 28 = 28


Expanding the equation and rearranging:


PQ^2 - 28PQ + 784 = 28


PQ^2 - 28PQ - 756 = 0


Factoring the equation:


(PQ - 42)(PQ + 18) = 0


Therefore, the possible values for PQ are 42 and -18. Since PQ represents the length of a base of a trapezoid, it cannot be negative. So, the only valid solution for PQ is:


PQ = 42


There are two main cases to consider when distributing the candy:


Case 1: The twins get the same amount of candy (more than 0 and less than all the candy)


Distribute identical candy to the twins: We can choose how many candies each twin gets in 11 ways (from 1 candy each to 6 candies each).


Distribute the remaining candy to the other 3 children: There are 13 - (2 * number of candies for twins) candies remaining.


We can distribute these candies among the 3 children in ways, following the stars and bars method (arranging 3 identical stars and (number of candies remaining - 1) non-identical bars).


Case 2: The twins each get 0 candies


Distribute all 13 candies to the other 3 children: We can distribute these candies in ways, following the stars and bars method (arranging 3 identical stars and (number of candies remaining - 1) non-identical bars).


Adding the number of ways for both cases gives us the total number of distributions.


Calculating the total ways


Case 1 ways:


Number of candy choices for twins (11 ways)


Ways to distribute remaining candy (dependent on the number chosen for twins)


Case 2 ways:


Ways to distribute candy to 3 children (without twins getting any)


For Case 1, we need to sum the ways to distribute the remaining candy for each candy choice for the twins (from 1 to 6). However, calculating this for each case can be cumbersome.


Simplifying Case 1 calculations


Notice that the ways to distribute the remaining candy only depends on the total number of candies remaining after giving the twins their share (and not on how many candies each twin got).


So, we can calculate the ways to distribute the candy for each total number of remaining candies (from 7 to 1) and reuse those values for all candy choices in Case 1 that result in the same total number of remaining candies.


Calculating reusable distribution ways


There are 3 ways to distribute 1 candy (1 child gets it, 2 children get it, or all 3 get 1 each).


There are 6 ways to distribute 2 candies (1 child gets 2, another gets none, or 2 children get 1 each).


There are 10 ways to distribute 3 candies (1 child gets 3, another gets none, 2 children get 1 each, or all 3 get 1 each).


We can continue using the stars and bars method for higher numbers of candies.


Total number of distributions


Case 1 ways:


We reuse the calculated ways to distribute remaining candy based on the total number remaining (from 7 ways for 1 candy remaining to 10 ways for 3 candies remaining).


This gives us a total of (3 + 6 + 10) * 11 = 198 ways (11 ways for choosing candy for twins multiplied by the sum of ways to distribute remaining candy (from 1 to 3 candies remaining for the twins).


Case 2 ways:


We can distribute candy to 3 children in 455 ways (using stars and bars for 13 candies and 2 dividers).


Total ways = Case 1 ways + Case 2 ways = 198 ways + 455 ways = 653 ways


Therefore, there are 653 ways to distribute 13 identical pieces of candy to 5 children if the two youngest (who are twins) receive the same amount of candy (and each can get between 0 and 6 candies).
