
when im graphing scatter plots how would a find a good scale to put on my graph for 4.75,6.84,12.52,20.42,8.97

 May 3, 2017

First, we take the minimum and maximum value of the data:

Maximum of the data set = 20.42

Minimum of the data set = 4.75


Then, divide by the number of units you have in that direction to use.

After that, round the result up to the nearest fairly composite number.

^ Only use this method if you can abbreviate the graph, by skipping intervals. ^


If you can't skip intervals, replace the minimum value with 0. Then, divide by the number of units you can use in that direction.

Take the result and round up to the nearest fairly composite number.



Of course, you don't want the intervals to be too out of scale, so using the scale of the other axis is a good place to start.

 May 3, 2017

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