
Points $A$ and $B$ have the same $y$-coordinate of 13, but different $x$-coordinates. What is the sum of the slope and the $y$-intercept of the line containing both points?

 Apr 16, 2018

Best Answer 


Let point A be   (a, 13)

Let point B be   (b, 13)


slope between point A and point B   \(=\,\frac{\text{difference in y-coordinates}}{\text{difference in x-coordinates}}\\~\\ =\,\frac{13-13}{a-b}\\~\\ =\,\frac{0}{a-b}\\~\\ =\,0\)


Line AB is a horizontal line where the y-coordinate of all its points is 13 .

So the y-coordinate when  x = 0  is also  13 .


y-intercept   =   13


sum of slope and y-intercept   =   0 + 13   =   13

 Apr 16, 2018
Best Answer

Let point A be   (a, 13)

Let point B be   (b, 13)


slope between point A and point B   \(=\,\frac{\text{difference in y-coordinates}}{\text{difference in x-coordinates}}\\~\\ =\,\frac{13-13}{a-b}\\~\\ =\,\frac{0}{a-b}\\~\\ =\,0\)


Line AB is a horizontal line where the y-coordinate of all its points is 13 .

So the y-coordinate when  x = 0  is also  13 .


y-intercept   =   13


sum of slope and y-intercept   =   0 + 13   =   13

hectictar Apr 16, 2018

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