
In the percent square below, you must fill in every empty square (including shaded squares) so that:

• Each square contains a positive digit (1-9). Digits may be reused.

• The percent next to a row gives the percent of the row sum contained in the shaded square of that row.

• The percent above each column gives the percent of the column sum contained in the shaded square of that column.

When the percent square is completed, te digits in the shaded squares, read from top-to-bottom, will form a three-digit number. What is this three-digit number?

the percent square is here:


 Mar 9, 2024

Best Answer 


6  3  9

1  8  7

1  1  2


No other possibilities.

 Mar 10, 2024
Best Answer

6  3  9

1  8  7

1  1  2


No other possibilities.

Tiggsy Mar 10, 2024

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