
Cassie is hoping to purchase a 3 bedroom/ 3 bathroom house in her area. The house is on the market for $349,900. Her bank has given her three options for a loan:

15-year mortgage at 4.13% APR, with a required 20% down payment

20-year mortgage at 4.75% APR, with a required 10% down payment

30-year mortgage at 4.99% APR, with a required 20% down payment.

Determine Cassie's best option by finding the monthly payment, the total paid during the mortgage and the total interest paid over the loan. 

I have to find the monthly payment or each year 15, 20, abd 30 year mortgage thats the main thing .. instructor is being wishy washy on the formula i sent her 

 Apr 13, 2022

M = P [ i(1 + i)^n ] / [ (1 + i)^n – 1]           M = mortgage amount = 349000 - % downpayment

                                                                 P = payment per month

                                                                     n = # payments = years * 12

                                                                          i = interest = decimal rate of interest / 12

Plug and chug

 Apr 13, 2022

its actually 349,900 ... I missed the 9 in 900 earlier which really threw me obviously


so do i subtract 34990 by .20 or multiply to get the down payment? 

dfranklin4113  Apr 13, 2022

I am actually bad at this kind of stuff so anyone... PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG:



I got $522 for the first option, $226.11 for the second option and $375.24 for the third option.


The best option would be the second option.



 Apr 13, 2022

so the original cost was 349,900 how did you come up with those answers? 

dfranklin4113  Apr 13, 2022

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