
In 1856, Andrew Waugh announced Mount Everest to be 8840 m high, after several years of calculations based on observations by the Great Trigonometric Survey. More recent surveys confirm the height as 8848 m. Calculate the percentage error made in the earlier survey. Round answers to 3 s.f.

 Aug 26, 2020

In 1856, Andrew Waugh announced Mount Everest to be 8840 m high, after several years of calculations based on observations by the Great Trigonometric Survey. More recent surveys confirm the height as 8848 m. Calculate the percentage error made in the earlier survey. Round answers to 3 s.f.


Im Jahr 1856 kündigte Andrew Waugh nach mehrjährigen Berechnungen auf der Grundlage von Beobachtungen des Great Trigonometric Survey an, dass der Mount Everest 8840 m hoch sei. Neuere Erhebungen bestätigen die Höhe mit 8848 m. Berechnen Sie den prozentualen Fehler, der in der früheren Umfrage gemacht wurde.


Hello Rizos!


\(8848m \widehat{=}100\%\\ 8848m-8840m=8m \widehat{=}x\)

\(8848m:100\%=8m:x\\ x\cdot 8848m=8m\cdot 100\%\\ x=\frac{8m\cdot 100\%}{8848m}=0.090416\%\)



The percentage error made in the earlier survey is 0.09%.

laugh  !

 Aug 26, 2020
edited by asinus  Aug 26, 2020
edited by asinus  Aug 26, 2020

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