
Find projected population of location in 2015:

1. The population in Cedar Rapids, Iowa was 169775 in 1980 and 168767 in 1990.


2. The population in Janesville, Wisconsis was 139420 in 1980 and 139510 in 1990.

 Jan 24, 2018

Best Answer 


"Find projected population of location in 2015:

1. The population in Cedar Rapids, Iowa was 169775 in 1980 and 168767 in 1990.

 2. The population in Janesville, Wisconsis was 139420 in 1980 and 139510 in 1990."


You say nothing about the population growth model to be used!  I'll assume a simple exponential model:



 Jan 24, 2018
Best Answer

"Find projected population of location in 2015:

1. The population in Cedar Rapids, Iowa was 169775 in 1980 and 168767 in 1990.

 2. The population in Janesville, Wisconsis was 139420 in 1980 and 139510 in 1990."


You say nothing about the population growth model to be used!  I'll assume a simple exponential model:



Alan Jan 24, 2018

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