
Tariq travels 16 miles from point X to Y, in straight line, in m minutes, where m > 0. Then he takes a coffee break in a nearby coffee shop for m minutes as well. After finishing his nice coffee, he travels K miles for another 2m minutes if Tariq’s average speed for his whole journey from point X to point Z is 13 miles m minute, what is the value of K?


I got to the step where the equation is16k/ 4m = 13/m

People are saying that we can cancel out the m's. IS that possible?

and why can you. There is 4 m's on the left side and 1 on the right.

 Jul 18, 2020

Did you try to cross multiply? Try it and see what you get.

 Jul 18, 2020

Can you clarify......   from the coffee shop for 2m minutes          to point Z?


and this :    13 miles m minute




...and yes , you can cancel out the m's     if you multiply both sides by m you will get

16km / 4m  = 13m/m

   and you are left with       16k/4 = 13        (hope you math is correct up until this point)

 Jul 18, 2020
edited by ElectricPavlov  Jul 18, 2020

16 miles   in m minutes

                    + m minutes   for coffee

  k miles   in    2m minutes


average = 13 miles/  m minute


(16 + k )/ (m + m + 2m)   = 13 miles/m            NOTE:  16 + k      not    16k

(16+k) / 4m = 13/m

(16+k) / 4 = 13

16 + k = 52

k = 36

 Jul 18, 2020
edited by ElectricPavlov  Jul 18, 2020

thanks that was the right answer. I was just coinfised on why u are allowed to cancel the m's when there is 1 on one side and 4 on the other.

BLANK  Jul 18, 2020

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