
In circle O, find the measure of angle RTS.


 Mar 17, 2021

Best Answer 


i'm pretty sure that angle ROS is 2 times angle RTS (correct me if i am wrong).


so, we can craft an equation that looks like this:


16x - 4 = 2(7x + 5)

16x - 4 = 14x + 10

2x = 14

x = 7


now we plug x back into our expression for angle RTS.


7(7) + 5 = 49 + 5 = 54 


hope this helped! if you are confused on how i did anything, please let me know! :)

 Mar 17, 2021
Best Answer

i'm pretty sure that angle ROS is 2 times angle RTS (correct me if i am wrong).


so, we can craft an equation that looks like this:


16x - 4 = 2(7x + 5)

16x - 4 = 14x + 10

2x = 14

x = 7


now we plug x back into our expression for angle RTS.


7(7) + 5 = 49 + 5 = 54 


hope this helped! if you are confused on how i did anything, please let me know! :)

idyllic Mar 17, 2021

Good job, Idyllic    !!!!



cool cool cool

CPhill  Mar 17, 2021

thank you! :)

idyllic  Mar 17, 2021

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