
In triangle \($XYZ$, $\angle X = 60^\circ$ \) and \($\angle Y = 45^\circ$.\)  Point  D lies on YZ such that DX bisects angle DXY. If  XD=24 then find the area of triangle XYZ.



A square is inscribed in a right triangle, as shown below. The legs of the triangle are 2 and 3. Find the side length of the square.


unitsize(1.5 cm);

pair A, B, C, D, E, F, G;

A = (0,0);
C = (5,0);
B = (3^2/5,3*4/5);
D = extension(B, A + (0,-5), A, C);
G = extension(B, C + (0,-5), A, C);
E = extension(D, D + (0,1), A, B);
F = extension(G, G + (0,1), B, C);





Thank you so much!!! :)

 May 14, 2020

I can't understand what the problem is asking.

 May 14, 2020


Which one? Or both. If you want you can answer one, you do not need to answer both. You don't have to answer at all if you do not want ! :)

Noori  May 15, 2020

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