

Hi everyone ,

Its time for me to go to school now !As this is the first day of school after the 45days summer break , im a lil sad ans nervous too to go to school !I'll miss this forum and you all in the class but i have no option i have studies that also have to be done so ill have to leave !here are some pics that describe my imotions !

The last words!

SO bye all !See you all after 10hours!bye!

 Jun 30, 2014

Best Answer 


Yes Melody if i didnt had a best friend in school , the day would be terrible!And yes it was really hard to concentrate as my eyes were closing and head was aching and it was really hard for me to sit staraight in the class and i hada terrible time after the lunch break which was i think on 11:25 am !but then i went to wash my face and it was then a lil ok after that but i'm not minding this much as i'll get used to it for i'll have a fast everyday and go to school and i'm sure this wont happen everyday!

But in the break i and my friend had a nice time though she was having lunch and i wasnt but we laughed a lot and cracked new jokes and enjoyed and she also told me a new secret of hers so i had a graet time (partially)!

and Zegroes i too remember my childhood incidents especially the insulting ones !lol!

 Jul 1, 2014


 Jun 30, 2014

yes or maybe 12 also !

 Jun 30, 2014

Bye everyone,just came to say my last words!I'm sure on coming back i'll have enough of maths questions to ask so till then bye!See you all in 10 hours !bye!

 Jul 1, 2014

Adios.......muchachita !!!!


Que tengas un buen día   !!!


 Jul 1, 2014

Rosalas post ill have lots of questions when i come back from school....Uh oh THE KOOL AID disease!!!!!Duh duh DUH

 Jul 1, 2014

Good one Zegroes, I am a bit slow on the up take these days!  #@@# Dithering dinosaurs!!!!

I'll see you when you return Rosala, I am sure you are having a great day!

 Jul 1, 2014

Zegroes i'm not having the KOOL-AID disease!Luckily we didnt do much in maths today !Actually a new maths teacher has come and half of her time went in scolding a boy and so we didnt do much !

Now there's a chapter going on named "Understanding quadrilaterals" !I'm having alil problem in understanding it but i'll soon ask some questions i dont understand !

but now i'm not in the mood to ask becoz ive just returned from school now and i am feeling as if someone has "sqeezed " me and i have not much energy becoz i also have a fast thats why!But it wasnt a very tiring day at school and the weather is really very hot so not much enjoyed !

But though i enjoyed one thing a lot , talking to my friend and we had so many laughs the whole time so it was fun also !

 Jul 1, 2014

It sound like your day was not too bad.  That is good, it is good to catch up with friends too.  

You must be very thirsty after a day without water.  Having not food or water would not help you (or others) concentrate in class.  

I remember when I was just a little younger than you are now I was going through a major growth spurt and if I did not have 3 sandwiches for lunch I had terrible hunger pains during the afternoon.  Of course I did not have a big meal at 3 am, I guess that would make a big difference.  

 Jul 1, 2014

WOW melody you can remember that FAR back you must have great memory......

 Jul 1, 2014

Yea childhood things are not a problem but

where did I put my pen?  

what day is it today?

What happened yesterday?

These are great mysteries to me!

 Jul 1, 2014
Best Answer

Yes Melody if i didnt had a best friend in school , the day would be terrible!And yes it was really hard to concentrate as my eyes were closing and head was aching and it was really hard for me to sit staraight in the class and i hada terrible time after the lunch break which was i think on 11:25 am !but then i went to wash my face and it was then a lil ok after that but i'm not minding this much as i'll get used to it for i'll have a fast everyday and go to school and i'm sure this wont happen everyday!

But in the break i and my friend had a nice time though she was having lunch and i wasnt but we laughed a lot and cracked new jokes and enjoyed and she also told me a new secret of hers so i had a graet time (partially)!

and Zegroes i too remember my childhood incidents especially the insulting ones !lol!

rosala Jul 1, 2014

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