
How many positive integers less than 2020 aren’t divisible by 2, 3, or 5?


The arithmetic mean of 23, 16, 30, 33 and two other numbers that differ by 2 is 21. If the smallest of these 6 numbers is discarded, find the arithmetic mean of the remaining 5 numbers.


The fifth term of an arithmetic sequence is -18, and the sum of the first 32 terms is 1448. Find the ninth term.

 Jun 28, 2020
edited by awnrs  Jun 28, 2020

How many positive integers less than 2020 aren’t divisible by 2, 3, or 5?


a=0;b=0;c=0;d=0;p=0; cycle:n=a*1000+b*100+c*10+d;if(n%2==1 and n%3!=0 and n%5!=0 and n<=2020, goto loop, goto next); loop:printn,", ",;p=p+1; next:d++;if(d<10, goto cycle, 0);d=0;c++;if(c<10, goto cycle, 0);d=0;c=0;b++;if(b<10, goto cycle,0);b=0;c=0;d=0;a++;if(a<3, goto cycle,0);print"Total = ",p


OUTPUT = 538 - numbers that are NOT divisible by 2 or by 3 or by 5.




The fifth term of an arithmetic sequence is -18, and the sum of the first 32 terms is 1448. Find the ninth term.


- 18 =[F + 4D],  1448 =32/2 * [2*F + 31D], solve for F, D
F = - 40 - This is the first term
D =11/2 =5.5 - This is the common difference
- 40 + [8 x 5.5] = 4 - This is the 9th term.

 Jun 28, 2020
edited by Guest  Jun 28, 2020

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