First, let's add up the two numbers. We get 3578+2238=5816
Now, we want to convert 5816 to base 8.
First, we have to do 5816/8. We get a quotient of 727 and a remainder of 0.
Next, we have 727/8. There's a remainder of 7 but a quotient of 90.
Doing 90/8 has a quotient of 11 and a remainder of 2.
So for our final answer, we get 132708
Thanks! :)
First, let's add up the two numbers. We get 3578+2238=5816
Now, we want to convert 5816 to base 8.
First, we have to do 5816/8. We get a quotient of 727 and a remainder of 0.
Next, we have 727/8. There's a remainder of 7 but a quotient of 90.
Doing 90/8 has a quotient of 11 and a remainder of 2.
So for our final answer, we get 132708
Thanks! :)