
As Mars revolves around the sun, it travels at a rate of approximately 15 miles per second.

Convert this rate to miles per minute. At this rate, how many miles will Mars travel in 2 minutes?

Do not round your answers. 

what is the rate mi per min? 


Did distance travel in 2 minutes? 



please show work. 

 Apr 30, 2019

Not so sure but here's what i think:

Since, Mars revolves around the sun, it travels at a rate of approximately 15 miles per second.
Since, 1 minute= 60 seconds. 
Therefore, 15 miles * 60 seconds= 900 miles/minute. (To make sure that this step is correct, Do as following: We know that velocity = Distance / Time in seconds.
So 900 (Distance) / 60 Seconds (Time in seconds) = 15 mile/sec.
 Which is the given so it is correct.
Since mars revolve around the sun and it travles at a rate of 900 miles per minute, 
So in 2 minutes it would revolve around the sun and it travels at a rate of 1800 miles per 2 minute.
Hope that helped.

 Apr 30, 2019

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