

am i correct?

 Mar 12, 2019

How did you get your answer?   How far did they each travel and why do you think so.




To other answerers:

Please let Cerentie answer before adding another post.

 Mar 12, 2019
edited by Melody  Mar 12, 2019

so after getting help from my sister i realized i wasn't focusing on the time that the two planes took to travel the distances. plane A was faster at traveling the distance than plane B. the reason plane A was faster is because Plane A has a speed of 290 miles/hour while plane B has a speed of 270  miles per hour. for plane B i had to use the formula d=rt,  im not sure how to type my solution on here. this makes plane A faster than Plane B so the answer would be The distance plane A traveled in 1h is greater than the distance plane B traveled in 1 hour

cerenetie  Mar 13, 2019
edited by cerenetie  Mar 13, 2019

Thanks for responding Cerenetie.

I am glad that you worked it out :) 


I hope my answer made you think a bit even though you went to your sister for more help :)

Melody  Mar 13, 2019

no it did the time was messed up that i did on my own work i kept messing up on the time i thought it was right until my sis pointed out that was using the wrong formula

cerenetie  Mar 13, 2019

ok :)


If you know that the speed you travel in a car is

miles per hour    (if you are from the Uited States)    or

kilometers per hour  from most other places then you know that


Speed = distance per time


and 'per' means divide



speed = distance/time

Melody  Mar 14, 2019

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