
A person invests $500 in an account that earns a nominal yearly interest rate of 4%. Someone, please solve this little by little I'm really confused!

 Mar 19, 2019

a. if the interest rate is 4% , the account will grow 4% more than the year before  EACH YEAR   

     initial 500 deposit will be worth   500 x 1.04 at the end of year 1 = $520

     at the end of the SECOND year, due to compounding, it will be worth   520 x 1.04=$ 540.80

   after 10 years    the formula becomes    500 (1.04)^10 = $ 740.12


b.1.04 is the interst applied PER YEAR     .... now the compounding period is 3 months....4 PERIODS per year..

..the periodic interest is then  .04/4 = .01/period    for 40 periods (10 years)

     and the formula becomes    

        500 (1.01)^40 = 744.43      NOTE: Due to COMPOUNDING this works out to be GREATER than 4% per year

                                                      (perhaps you have heard "APR"   = annual percentage rate     or

                                                              APY = annual percentage yield)


c. 1.04  = (1+x)^4      x = .009853  or 0..09853 %  per quarter compounding

d.  500 (1+ .009853)^40 = 740.12

 Mar 19, 2019

Thanks so much! I'm glad you helped me laugh

GAMEMASTERX40  Mar 19, 2019

You are welcome....this stuff will be very important to you later in your financial life (REALLY!)....learn it well!  ~EP

 Mar 19, 2019
edited by ElectricPavlov  Mar 19, 2019

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