
3 friends divided some strawberries equally. After they each ate 4 strawberries, the total number of strawberries left was equal to the amount each friend had at the beginning. How many strawberries were there at first?

 Sep 2, 2021

 How many strawberries were there at first?


Hello Guest!


\(\dfrac{x}{3}+\dfrac{x}{3}+\dfrac{x}{3}=x\\ 3\cdot (\dfrac{x}{3}-4)=\dfrac{x}{3}\\ x-12=\dfrac{x}{3}\\ \dfrac{2x}{3}=12\)


\(\large x=18\)

\({\color{blue}18\ strawberries}\ were\ there\ at\ first.\)

laugh  !

 Sep 3, 2021

Let total number of strawberries = x.

Since 3 friends divided strawberries equally therefore

each friends get x/3 strawberries.

   Because           x/3 + x/3 + x/3 = x.



Since, after they each ate 4 strawberries, the total number of strawberries left was equal to the amount each friend had at the beginning.

That is (x/3-4) + (x/3-4) (x/3-4) = x/3 (because at the beginning each friend has x/3 strawberries).



=>  3x/3 - 12 = x/3

=>  n - 12 = x/3     =>  3(n - 12) = x

=>  3n - 36 = n   =>  2n = 36   =>  n = 18

The total number of strawberries = 18

apsiganocj  Sep 9, 2021

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