
Including the bus driver, there are 12 people on a bus. During the ride, each person produces 725 BTUs (British Thermal Units). The interior of the bus measures 39 feet by 7.25 feet by 6.5 feet.

How many BTUs per cubic foot are produced?

Enter your answer rounded to the nearest hundredth

 Jun 1, 2017

If there are 12 persons and each person produces 725 BTUs, the total number of BTUs is  12 x 725  =  8700.


Assuming that the box is approximately a rectangular solid, its volume will be  39 x 7.25 x 6.5  =  1837.875 cu ft.


The number of BTUs per cubic foot is  8700 / 1837.875  =  4.73 BTU/cu ft.

 Jun 1, 2017

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