
Here's an interesting challenge:







a. What percentage of the area of \(\square ABCD\) is occupied by \(\triangle AEF\)?

b. Prove that \(\triangle COE\) is isosceles








Not too easy, not too difficult. laugh

 Aug 12, 2018

a. What percentage of the area of  ABCD is occupied by \(\triangle\)EFA?


Hi Mathhemathh!


\(\overline{EF}=\overline{CD}\cdot\sqrt{2}-\overline{CD}\\ \overline{EF}=10\cdot\sqrt{2}-10\\ \)


\(A_\triangle=\frac{\overline{EF}}{2}\cdot (\overline{CD}\cdot \sqrt{2}-\frac{\overline{EF}}{2}) \)


\(A_\triangle=\frac{10\cdot\sqrt{2}-10}{2}\cdot (10\cdot\sqrt{2}-\frac{10\cdot\sqrt{2}-10}{2})\\ A_\triangle=(10\cdot\sqrt{2}-10)^2\)




\(A_\square : A_\triangle=100\% :x\\ x=\frac{ A_\triangle\cdot 100\%}{A_\square}\\ x=\frac{17.15729\cdot 100\%}{100}\\ \color{blue}x=17.15729\%\)


\(a:\ \triangle EFA\ has\ 17.15729\%\ of\ \square ABCD \)


laugh  !

 Aug 12, 2018
edited by asinus  Aug 12, 2018
edited by asinus  Aug 12, 2018

Let  the center of the circle with a radius of 5 be centered at  (0,0)  and  let  A  = (-5,5)

The midpoint of  EF  is  (5 cos (45°), -5sin(45°) )  = ( 5/√2, -5/√2)

Let this midpoint be  = G

So   the height of triangle AEF    =  GA  =  √ [( 5/√2 + 5) ^2+ ( 5 +5/√2)^2 ]    = 5 + 5√2 units =

5 ( 1 + √2)   units   =  5 (√2 + 1) units


Let H  be the point of tangency where BD touches the circle

And  FG  = FH since these are tangents drawn to a circle from the same exterior point, F

And angle HOF  = 22.5°  and angle OFH  = 67.5°...so...using the Law of  Sines


FH / sin (22.5°)  = OF / sin (67.5°)

FH  = 5 sin (22.5°) / sin (67.5°)

FH = 5 sin (22.5°) / cos (22.5°)

FH  = 5 * tan (22.5°)  = 5  * [  1  - cos (45°) ] /[ sin (45°) ]  =  5 *  [ 2 - √2] / [ √2]  units  =

5 (√2 -1)    = FG


So...the area of  AEF  =   (GA) ( FG) =  5 (√2 + 1) * 5 ( √2 -1)  units^2  =

25 (2 - 1)  =  

25 units^2


The area of  square ABCD   =10*10  =  100 units^2


So  area   ΔAEF  =   25 / 100   =  25%    of    square ABCD


Here's a pic :





cool cool cool

 Aug 18, 2018
edited by CPhill  Aug 18, 2018

3 Online Users
